Friday 1 March 2013

Is VOIP Based PBX System a Wise Communication Choice

PBX system is a private communication system that can be deployed by any organization for channeling its communication. Such a system with massive functionalities can serve to be a complete office or business support. This is an alternative to the on-premise systems that the business organizations used to hold years back at their premises. With wires running all over the place, the obsolete PSTN systems were difficult to manage and were also a hefty expense on the organizations’ pockets. They were even restraining since the high prices of international calling prevented businesses from growing on a global scale.

Hosted PBX systems have made the process quite easier. With almost no equipment, these systems can be configured remotely and the users can have this system set up within a couple of minutes. As the era of digitization is progressing, so is the telecommunication domain and today, it is almost impossible for any business organization to neglect the benefits of VOIP. The use of this technology started years back but it is now that the usage has gained momentum with the intervention of Small Business PBX.

This hosted telecom interface is not any small system. It is the same on-premise systems that the large business enterprises maintain at their office premises. The small ones can just get all the functionality of these giant systems without having to purchase them or implement these systems at your office premises. Cloud has made all this PBX system functionality possible. Why is this system becoming so popular amongst the SMBs? The reason is quite obvious. When enterprises can have some of the best telecom facilities at just a fraction of the price that would otherwise be invested, it is obvious of them to switch to this new channel.

There is no equipment and hence, there is no capital or operational expense. SMBs are at a critical stage where they need to balance all their resources and plan every step cautiously since they cannot afford to take a large risk. Scalability is another important factor. This way, the SMBs can start off with any set of requirements and have to pay exactly for the part of the services that they utilize. Mobility provides freedom from the premise based constraints and all the communication can be managed even when the person is not in his office. Mobile media is now utilizing VOIP and it is expected that within a few years, VOIP will kill the mobile communication options with its cost.

Hosted PBX services have been provided by a large number of providers now but it is essential to set some ground rules for making the perfect choice of PBX system. VOIP offers an incredibly low calling cost but make sure that you do not compromise on the quality while searching for lower costs. There are two different types of Hosted PBX VOIP routes that are available in the communication market.

White routes are the premium PBX system routes that contain the option of CLI. The option of caller line identification allows users to get connected to any of the end users while projecting a number of the caller’s choice. In other words, these business phone routes allow caller ID option. This is not the case with the grey routes. The calls through these routes would display any random number. Moreover, their call quality is quite degraded since the ACD and ASR are quite low. There are also some missed call routes that some of the enterprises needs and these are chosen from amongst the grey routes since they require quite low quality.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

PBX System Reduces Business Overhead with Efficient Call Management

Reducing the overhead expenses and increasing business profitability is the current business strategy to progress in the business world. The rise of extensive usage of the Hosted PBX systems has made the small business enterprises consider the switch from traditional phone systems to this new telecommunication venture. Why does the business phone system seem to be the best cost-cutting option? These systems are quite massive and they require hefty expenses but at the same time, maintenance of these systems is an essential in order to extend business relations and to maintain harmonious relationships with the existing clientele.

Phone systems are required by the companies to make and receive calls to clients but they are also becoming a necessity today so that they may be able to connect with peers. Connections and constant co-ordination amongst the various business departments are very important in order to guide a business decision properly. This is why the use of Hosted PBX services has become a feasible choice for the companies of all sizes ranging from small to large. The presence of these services has made these fairly expensive systems to fall within the reach of the small and medium scale business enterprises.

When a PBX system is made available to an enterprise at quite a low cost, there are many questions that strike the mind of the business owners about the functionality. Is the hardware rented to be set up at your location? How are the connections established? Do you need to invest a hefty amount in replacing the phone system that you have been using? Are there any binding contracts or termination policies? What would be the costs involved in calling over Hosted PBX VOIP?

Hosted PBX systems are actually not systems but rather services that are provided in a hosted medium through the cloud. There is no hardware that the users need to set up at their place. There are no hardcore connections that you need to attach to the servers. The end users just need to connect the internet to their phone system. These business phones can either be the PSTN telephone systems, VOIP phone or soft phone or mobile dialer. For usage in soft form, you may download the dialer of soft phone, login to your account, configure some simple settings and start calling to different places.

One of the most appealing benefits of using Hosted PBX system is that business organizations deploying the use of these systems can use the existing infrastructure. Most of the business enterprises have been using their traditional telephone systems for business use. There are many Hosted PBX providers that would bind their customers through some contracts. This holds them for a determined time period and often the users face troubles that not resolved. Moreover, if the users intend to terminate the contracts, there are some termination policies that make the users pay a certain amount as termination fee.

HostedPBX VOIP is one of the most widely used telephone networks in the business world today. The calls are charged at impressively low rates which thereby enable the SMBs to call their clients and potential customers all over the world. With the management of such a massive PBX system through a virtual interface, these firms can also project an image that is competent with the large business organizations. An overall result of the use of this phone system is that there are better profits generated through a small investment. Thus, business overhead is minimized while profits are reaching the heights.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Get Rid Of All Communication Hassles with PBX System

Business interaction is one of the important pillars of business in today’s world. Communication is of primary importance to business in the contemporary world. This is so because the entire communication stream ranging from advertising to finalization of deals to product support is carried out through interaction. Thus, it has become a necessity for every business organization to maintain a wide communication interface for making calls. Such a business phone system can reduce odds of missing out business leads. When such massive systems were maintained only by the large business organizations, there were the following problems that aroused:
·         The total cost of ownership is quite high as the entire PBX server needs to be purchased and as requirements increase and technology progresses, enhancements need to be made.
·         Hosted PBX systems require trained personnel to handle the complex wires that run all over the office place.
·         Before the introduction of IP PBX to the world of telecommunication, PSTN lines were used to connect to the PBX equipment and thus calling could be made at quite high rates.
·         The infrastructure that is established on site has to be for fixed number of ports and the changing requirements will lead to additional hardware to be added thereby leading to under-utilization of resources at an affordable cost.
·         One of the major difficulties is faced in integrating your existing system with this new system and in ensuring that all features are configured properly.

PBX system is a major advancement in technology that offers you services at your office place without having to install the equipment at your place. These services can be operated through the internet medium through a web-based interface. Your business calls can be routed to your VOIP phone, PC or mobile phone through remote servers. However, you can have complete authority over this channel and can introduce changes as and when desired. All these functionalities can be available for use by paying just a fraction of the cost. Moreover, every feature of the system helps in achieving efficient cost-savings and a number of benefits due to the use of VOIP technology.

Using Hosted PBX VoIP considerably decreases global calling expenses and internal calling amongst extensions is provided absolutely free of cost even if you have offices situated at various different locations. The use of VoIP phones is simple and easy to connect to the PBX system. The use of customary phones has to be clubbed with ATA so as to convert the digital signals into analog and vice-versa as per the incoming and outgoing calls from the switch. There are a number of features that can enhance calling functionality and thereby add extra value to your business progress as the level of client satisfaction increases.

The radical features include call parking, call return, Direct Inward Dialing, call hunt and many more in order to reduce the number of missed out calls. The use of toll free number, music on hold, local numbers, etc. are also some of the features that are most in demand by business organizations of all sizes. The use of these features along with a hosted telecommunication interface allows you to set up a workplace where your employees can function in a virtual manner. This not only allows you to establish better business image but also allows your employees the freedom to operate business calls from anywhere and at any time. With all the impressive functionality, this system is perhaps the most feasible choice for a corporate firm to boost its business progress.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Why Are PBX Systems Becoming Popular Amongst the SMBs

The PBX systems are growing on an extensive scale in the midst of small business enterprises for a range of causes. Due to the persistent demand, the companies offering Hosted PBX systems for SMBs are making every effort to mark their systems in a more sophisticated manner as well as easily affordable by them. For a small corporate firm, operational and trustworthy communication with clients, staff members, dealers and other sponsors is critically significant. But as the facts state it, most small corporations find it quite difficult to acquire or uphold such an expensive business phone system.

For many small organizations, it is known that this system can offer their enterprise with all that is mandatory to impress clients and increase business sales. However, they are unaware of the hidden concept behind the provision of these services in a cloud based environment. A PBX system is a phone switching system that accomplishes the management of incoming as also outgoing calls for all your company’s inbound and outbound conversation as well as peer to peer conversation. This system was earlier linked to the public phone system (PSTN) and used to direct incoming calls automatically to explicit extensions. This system was also able to handle various phone lines.

The introduction of Hosted PBX VOIP has however changed the earlier scenario. A classic PBX system that was maintained for the small business enterprises includes outer and inner phone lines, a server that manages call switching and efficient routing of calls. The use of VOIP has made it possible for the SMBs to replicate the functionalities of the traditional PBX in a hosted manner over the digital channel. The best part is that this system has the capability to perform well with analog as well as the digital channel. The only extra effort that needs to be invested in analog based lines is that they need to be connected with an ATA that can convert the analog signals to digital and vice-versa as in the cases of incoming and outgoing calls.

One of the drawbacks why SMBs are not considering the traditional PSTN based PBX system is that this type of system requires two separate networks for data and voice transmission. The use of IP PBX in a hosted manner ensures that you can have a seamless channel for communication that can be integrated with the IP network. This network has the capability to transfer the voice and data packets over the same network in a completely secure manner with some of the algorithms included in the interface and flags included in the packet headers. This system also reduces the cost involved as only the IP network is required to start off with your conversation.

When the small business organizations are opting for Hosted PBX for cost-cutting, there are further chances of cost reduction. The SMBs have the option to use IP based phones or soft phones on PC or mobile dialers. The existing PSTN based phone lines can also be used by configuring the system through an ATA. There is a wide array of business phone options available for the SMBs to choose from. It would however be difficult for the business enterprises while using the traditional phones due to the fact that these phones limit the functionality of calling. However, with IP Phones or soft phones used with PBX system, you can easily get access to all the latest calling features.